Essential Git Commands: A Must-Know Guide for Every Developer

Essential Git Commands: A Must-Know Guide for Every Developer


3 min read

Table of contents


Think of version control as a way to keep track of changes when making software. Git is a special tool that helps developers work together and remember what they've done. No matter if you're new to coding or an expert, knowing important Git commands is like having superpowers for making things. This blog will show you the important Git tricks that all developers should know.

  1. git init - Setting Up a Repository: When starting a new project, the first step is to initialize a Git repository using the git init command. This command creates the necessary infrastructure for tracking code changes.

  2. git clone - Copying Remote Repositories: To work on a project collaboratively or across different machines, you can clone a remote repository using git clone <repository_url>. This action fetches the entire repository to your local machine.

  3. git add - Staging Changes: Before committing changes, use git add <file_name> to stage-specific files for the upcoming commit. Staging prepares the changes for committing.

  4. git commit - Saving Changes: Committing changes creates a snapshot of your codebase at a specific point. Use git commit -m "Commit message" to save your changes along with a meaningful message.

  5. git pull - Updating Your Local Repository: When collaborating with others, incorporate the latest changes from the remote repository into your local branch using git pull origin <branch_name>.

  6. git push - Sharing Your Changes: After committing your changes locally, share them with others by executing git push origin <branch_name>. This action uploads your commits to the remote repository.

  7. git branch - Managing Branches: Git allows you to work on different branches concurrently. The git branch command lists available branches and highlights the active ones.

  8. git checkout - Switching Between Branches: Use git checkout <branch_name> to move between branches and access their unique codebases.

  9. git merge - Integrating Changes: To combine changes from one branch into another, execute git merge <source_branch>. This command integrates the changes into your current branch.

  10. git status - Checking Status: At any point, use git status to see the state of your working directory, showing modified, staged, and untracked files.

  11. git log - Viewing Commit History: To view the commit history, type git log. This command displays a chronological list of commits.

  12. git diff - Identifying Differences: git diff helps identify differences between your current code and a previous version, aiding in understanding changes.

  13. git remote - Managing Connections: git remote allows you to manage connections to remote repositories, showing associated URLs.

  14. git fetch - Fetching Changes: Fetch the latest changes from the remote repository without applying them using git fetch.

  15. git reset - Undoing Changes: To unstaged changes, use git reset <file_name> to revert files to their previous state.

  16. git revert - Reverting Commits: git revert <commit_hash> lets you undo specific commits without erasing the commit history.

  17. git stash - Temporarily Storing Changes: For saving unfinished work, employ git stash to store changes temporarily and retrieve them later.

  18. git tag - Marking Important Points: Tag significant milestones using git tag <tag_name> to easily reference important versions.

  19. git config - Configuring Git: Set your Git configuration with git config --global "Your Name" to personalize your identity.

  20. git remote add - Adding Remote Connections: Use git remote add <name> <repository_url> to establish connections with remote repositories.


Getting good at these basic Git commands will help you work faster when you're coding. You'll feel more in control when dealing with different versions of your project. As you learn more about Git, you'll see how great it is for working together with others and keeping track of your project's changes over time. Don't be afraid to try these commands out, play around, and make Git a regular part of how you work. Just remember, practicing and trying new things are the best ways to become good at coding!
